Feed VHP in certain degree into areas required sterilization, the VHP will act with photoion or metal ion to release radical with high oxidability which will damage the cell membrane and DNA after contact. Radical will kill the microorganism in short time to realize sterilization.

VHP Application

Freeze Dryer, Isolator, Clean Room, Laboratory, Biosafety Cabinet, Biomedicine, Laminar Flow Cover, Decontamination Chamber, Hospital, Ambulance, Boat, Aerospace

VHP Features

Low Temperature Sterilization, Surface Sterilization, Good Compatibility, Easty to Validate & Good Repeatability, Short Period Sterilization & Low Cost, No Toxic Remains, Safe & Environmental

Sterilization Period Development

A good VHP sertilization upgrade requires sterilization technology which decides the effect and time of sterilization directly more than suitable equipments. The main procedures include physical, chemical, microorganism property and safety assessment.

  • Physical Assessment

    There is more VHP on the surface of items opposite airflow. Pay higher attention to control of airflow in design and sterilization technology at early stage.

  • Chemical Assessment

    Test the chemcial effect by putting chemical indicator C1 in different positions

  • Bioindicator Assessment

    Test the sterilization effect by putting bioindicator B1 in different positions.

Test the sertilization effect with following indicators:
  • Sterilization Period
  • Material Tolerance
  • Verification of Killing Quantity
  • Safety of Human & Environment
  • Final Remain
  • Economy
There are lots of verified reports showing that VHP technology can inactivate microorganisms including virus, bacteria, bacterial spore, fungus and yeast.
  • MRSA Adenovirus
  • C-diff Serratia marcescens
  • Bacillus cereus
  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis
  • Penicillium sp.
  • Aspergillus sp.